Dax Murray - Fantasy Author

Queer and Sapphic Author of Revolutionary Fantasy

If you've read part one, thank you! I hope it was helpful, and I hope that Part II and Part III will help you further in your decision-making process.

I mentioned briefly that going “wide” means taking a different marking approach a is a bit of a mindset shift. A lot of people in KU spend tons of time on PublisherRocket trying to find the perfect keywords for their book in hopes of climbing the Amazon Best Seller Ranks, making it to the top of search results, and getting into the “Also Boughts” of their “competitors.”

Note: I do NOT consider other authors to be my competitors, no matter how closely they align with my niche—sapphic thigh high fantasy. Readers can read my books in 10 hours. I cannot ever hope to write, edit, format and publish a book in 10 hours. Other sapphic thigh high fantasy authors are who I send my readers to so that they can keep getting their fix while I write the next one, but Amazon encourages this “competitor” mindset, and this is a mindset you have to break out of if you are to be a “wide” author!


“Going wide” in industry parlance is a choice that not many indie authors make and one that is often seen as less lucrative that enrolling your book in Kindle Unlimited.

Yes, right now, most readers are on Amazon, and many of them are enrolled in KU and rarely look for books outside of that. But read that sentence again, paying close attention to that dependent clause right at the start. Right now.

What is happening right now, however? Many readers are considering ditching their Kindle Unlimited subscription and taking their business to non-Amazon places. Honestly, I do not blame them. I have never been a KU subscriber myself; I am more likely to get my books via Libby and Hoopla using my free county library card or purchase the book outright.

Yes, I have had readers tell me they are disappointed that my book isn't in KU since they only read KU books. But since I am wide and do not, therefore, have to abide by an exclusivity clause, I can tell that reader, “Would you like a free copy? You can request a review copy from this link.” I get a review, a reader gets a book for the price they are willing to pay. We all win.

But you know what? I've had more readers thank me for having my book available on (retailer of their choice). More readers have thanked me for having my book on Kobo, Barnes and Noble, Fable, Everand, Apple, Google Play, etc, than have expressed disappointment that I am not in KU.

And I have made more money in royalties being “wide” than I ever did when I was in KU.


I like to celebrate my birthday properly: giving gifts, rather than receiving them! I've cajoled several of my friends to celebrate with me and I've got a spectacular giveaway with over a dozen physical books to gift!


If you don't already know. I am an author. With multiple chronic illnesses. I love using Notion to craft the exact dashboard I need in order to keep track of all the things in my life—medications, doctors appointments, and OH YEAH, my writing!

There's more to being an author than just writing, though. And it's all the other things that can be hard to keep track of. I've been using the HB90 system for goal setting and quarterly project management. I made a few modifications to it to suite my own needs as someone with chronic illnesses and disabilities. I love the system and the way it helps me stay on track with my eye on the prize.

I designed a huge section of my Notion around merging my health tracking and my goal tracking and I am making it freely available for other authors with chronic illnesses.


The following is the first episode in my ongoing serial, The Last Page. The Last Page is a loving romp through the otome isekai genre, but with tons more GAY. I started writing it as a way to wind down after a hard and depressing editing session with Smoke & Steel. My brain needed some sweet candy, and this is the result. All my favorite tropes — sheepish sapphics, in love with the villainess, dethawing the ice queen, pretend or fake engagement / dating, forced proximity, unlikely allies, and lots of magic and mystery! If you enjoy this episode, you can read more on my Ream page. Follow me on Ream—which is FREE—and you will get one new episode per week, every Friday! If you want even MORE, you can become a paid subscriber for $4.99 and get early access and TWO episodes per week! As of today (5.8.2024), Followers can read up to Episode 11 and paid members are at the start of Season 2 (Episode 43!).

The darkness presses in, suffocating her just as much as the coarse rope digging into her neck. A shadowy figure looms over her, its features indistinct yet hauntingly familiar. Calloused hands tighten the noose, each tug more merciless than the last.

Ein claws at the restraint, her nails digging into the rough fibers. She tries to scream, but only a strangled wheeze escapes her lips. Panic seizes her chest as the world around her grows dim. The figure leans closer, its breath hot against her ear. A raspy voice, both strange and intimate, whispers something into her ear, but she has no clue as to what.

Drenched in a cold sweat, Ein jolts awake; her heart thunders in her ears as she gulps down mouthfuls of air. Trembling fingers clutch at the silk sheets she has tangled herself in.


If you did not know, I've been releasing a serial titled THE LAST PAGE on my Ream. This actually started off as a novel, but it had a TON of subplots and it was just too much going on all at once. When I discovered the serial format, I knew that this story was meant to be a serial, not a novel. And upon reflection, I am realizing that STARS AND SOIL might have been better suited as a serial, too. Here, I am gonna take a few minutes to explain why I believe some of my stories would be better told as serials and give you a rundown of how I have been plotting my serials in case you, too, wish to use this storytelling structure!


This is the second post in a blog series I am calling “Things I Didn't Know I Needed to Know!” In this series, I will speak to authors about their research process for their novels and the strange things they found themselves searching the internet for at 5 am!

Today, I am hosting Ingrid Moon, author of THE HANDLER'S GAMBIT and discussing the side quest she ended up embarking on involving quantum mechanics and astrophysics as she wrote the Saxen Saga.

Promo Image with A photo of Ingrid Moon smiling next to her book, The Handler's Gambit--a cover of the book features a large starship moving to the left and a line of fighter ships coming at it against a blue space background. In large, block sans serif font the title reads "The Handler's Gambit". Promo text reads 'Things I Didn't Know I Needed To Know"


I've been busy both editing Smoke and Steel and making sure it is up for pre-order everywhere that it can be.

So far you can pre-order the ebook at:

SMOKE AND STEEL follows the journey of Saritrah, a princess who seeks to reclaim her crown from violent insurrectionists who are determined to spread dangerous ideas of freedom and equality to the people. The Oracle promises the power needed in order to secure her reign and ensure prosperity, but only if she can find an ancient artifact in a lost mythical city.

This is 100% inspired by Xena: Warrior Princess and follows the redemption arc of a violent and power-hungry warlord trying to overcome the traumatic past that made her as violent as she is.

If you are not already signed up for my newsletter, you better get to it! That is where I will be announcing the go-live date for my direct store, and my newsletter subscribers get both a discount and the ability to order on my store before it's available elsewhere.

If you really, really can't wait any longer to read it, join my Ream today! I've been releasing early draft chapters of it, and all members get access to the final edition even earlier as part of their membership!

Great news! All of my books are now available on Google Play! Prior to 2020, it was a little bit of a pain to have books listed on Google Play; they would randomly put people's books on sale without telling them, which would cause every other retailer with your book to also lower your book's price for price-matching. This was especially bad as lowering the price on Amazon would drastically decrease your royalties. So it was more of a risk than a reward. But no more!


Today I learned by complete accident that STARS AND SOIL was nominated in four categories for the QUEER INDIE AWARDS!

  • Best Overall Fantasy
  • Best Overall Epic Fantasy
  • Best Overall Dark Fantasy
  • Best Supporting Character (Kegan Moore)

You can vote for STARS AND SOIL here.


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