Why Campfire?

Today, I officially published STARS AND SOIL on Campfire and plan to release the rest of the SCIONS AND SHADOWS books on Campfire. Right now, STARS AND SOIL is exclusive to Campfire.

You might be asking, “Why? Why isn't it available on Amazon or elsewhere?”

Well, there are many reasons I could go into that are “why I'm not publishing on this specific book on Amazon....” That's a really long list and a depressing one. What I want to talk about instead is why, specifically, Campfire. This is not an argument against others but an argument for Campfire.

I first found Campfire when it was called “Campfire Blaze,” and I got a 3-month subscription via an InfoStack bundle. It seemed PERFECT for what I needed: comprehensive worldbuilding with a great UI. Prior to that, I was trying to keep my series bible and worldbuilding in OneNote. It was unwieldy, hard to keep updated, and I had so much duplicated data that... well, it became chaos.

But Campfire? OHH. It had everything. I didn't have to reinvent the wheel. So, it became my go-to writing software. I set up a large project to house all of SCIONS AND SHADOWS, and it's been True Love ever since. So many improvements have come along since then, including an overhaul of the manuscript module that I am SO happy with! It has a desktop app I can use offline, and the mobile app exceeded my expectations when it came out. They squash bugs fast; they respond to support requests at times when they probably shouldn't (seriously, y'all, I'd rather y'all have a fantastic weekend than get an immediate response to a support ticket about leap days) and address issues promptly.

Ok, sorry, I got sidetracked. I'm supposed to be writing about why I chose Campfire for PUBLISHING. Not writing, oopsy-doodle. Anyway. Campfire Reading allows readers not just the ability to read the book but gives readers an interactive experience. In Campfire, readers can get backstories, lore, maps, and more alongside the book. And the mind-boggling thing is that I can set it up to only reveal certain elements after certain chapters are read. No spoilers! And I can keep adding to it after the fact. If I write a cute side story, I can put it on Campfire, and my readers can check out the project to find it! There is no need to make a separate purchase, no need to hunt down the bonus content or buy different editions. It's already on their bookshelf! (Right where I want it, muahahahahah.)

When I first read about how this worked, I knew I needed in on it. I put so much time and effort into creating the SCIONS AND SHADOWS universe; worldbuilding that I didn't want to dole out piecemeal in newsletters or hope readers find it on my website. I can put these fun tidbits right up beside the book itself. All in one tidy package. I can present it in a fun and exciting way that enhances the entire experience.

I am honored to be one of the first authors on Campfire to use their monetization feature. It's been a frantic, wild ride trying to get everything looking snazzy and fancy for today's launch (and wow, am I tired; good thing I can take a break next...Oh, it's NaNo...heh). But it's been more than worth it. I hope that you will not only give my book a look but check out all the others, too, because they are all fantastic.

If my word alone is not enough, Isobel Lynx, author of Soul Survivor, is also raving about the platform due to how easy it is to turn creative projects into published works, the ability to have a unique homepage for each work, and the amount of creative control a writer has.

Soul Survivor by Isobel Lynx is a tale about a young man so in denial about his supernatural gift, he can’t tell ghosts apart from the living. His wakeup call is a tragedy but also an opportunity because when you have an extraordinary gift, maybe you can do extraordinary things. Maybe you can cheat Death.

Still not convinced? Elsie Vaughn, author of Old Habits, believes that the world-building modules, while useful for authors, create a unique experience for readers and likens it to a video game codex!

Born in the same era and country, Zaira and Izan encounter each other centuries later and across the world. Their entwined paths seem only natural, but that couldn’t be farther from reality. Izan, energized by his quest for power in the oppressive structure that governs the supernatural world, is awed by the weary Zaira whose life mission it is to kill beings just like him. Both possess immense power and habitual dedication to their goals. As their loyalties shift undeniably towards each other, will Zaira’s morality pull Izan to the light, or will his zeal drag her to his depths? Old habits, as they say… Read it on Campfire!

Campfire is planning on releasing a mobile app, too, for reading! I am CONFIDENT it will be amazing. I want to give readers the best experience possible for the world of SCIONS AND SHADOWS. And I firmly believe that Campfire is it. In summation, both authors and readers should be hanging out at the NEW cool kids table... cool kids campsite?... cool kids picnic table?... Campfire is where the cool kids are.

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